Thoughts, Feelings And Heartbreak
Where do I begin? Twelve years ago, the most incredible, crazy, sweet, loving, stubborn, brilliant dog came into our lives. He had a hard start. I don't want to go into the details, because he almost had no beginning. He was small, the runt of the litter, undernourished, sickly. But I knew the second I saw him, we had to save him and give him the best life a dog could ever want. Because he was so small and skinny, he was always cold, so he would hug the baseboard radiators, standing with his little front paws on top and warming his belly. He was too small to even fit into the smallest of dog sweaters, so I made him one out of a cozy sock. He wore it all the time. We wrapped him in a baby blue blanket that had pictures of bull terriers on it and carried him around all the time. He loved blankets, being covered in them, laying his head on them, surrounding himself with them. Something that he never outgrew. In t...