

It's difficult to know where to begin.  Our grief for Rex is so profound.  He was unique.  He was special and we loved him so very deeply and still do.  I don't think we will ever stop grieving for Rex.  Our home is filled with Rex paintings, drawings, art and photography.  He had such a profound impact on our lives.  And we plan on keeping everything just as it is and think of him every day, in a million little ways.

For a time we thought we never wanted another dog in our lives.  Never wanted to have to face that loss again, thought no other dog could ever compare (and they can't and shouldn't).  So for awhile our house was very quiet, sad and empty.  Even our cat Willy was mournful.  He had never been an only pet and was experiencing grief just as we were.  We thought that feeling would ease, but it didn't.  Every day, we went through the motions.  We have been experiencing other sad events in our lives as well, a terminally ill family member being among the worst.  And then I believe fate and Rex intervened.

Ever since Rex became popular on social media, I have developed friendships with people who love and save dogs and other animals.  Though many of these friendships have been online, by email or text, they are real friendships and I value them.  A wonderful lady named Dana Carrara who fosters bull terriers for several rescues and also advocates for dogs in need everywhere posted a picture on her Facebook account of a four month old bull terrier puppy who was an owner surrender.  I texted her right away, because the picture she posted nearly made me cry.  This little pup had Rex's nose.  Not just similar, or reminiscent of Rex's nose.  But his exact nose.  The heart shape and the spot just above it.

I texted Dana and asked her what his story was.  It is also quite amazing.

A wonderful Bull Terrier Rescue organization in Palm Desert, California named California Paws Rescue had sent a volunteer to the shelter that morning to pull another bull terrier they had been made aware of.  As the volunteer was in the parking lot of the shelter, a man got out of his car with a bull terrier puppy.  She immediately took notice of this and watched the man as he made several phone calls, desperately trying to find a family member or friend to take him in.  He had no luck.  The volunteer approached him and began talking to him.  He gave some vague reasons for having to give him up as owners surrendering their dogs often do.  He didn't have enough room in his home, there were issues with the landlord, etc. and he loved the dog, but simply could not keep him.

The volunteer explained to him that she was there picking up another bull terrier and she volunteered for a bull terrier rescue organization and that he would be in much better hands with them than simply handed over to the shelter and he agreed.  

They weren't expecting to pick up two bull terriers that day, and due to his young age, did not really want to take him to the rescue where the older and more boisterous dogs are cared for, so the volunteer took him home with her to foster him.

I showed the picture of this puppy (who they were calling Gelato, as all rescues are given a rescue name) to my husband and he said "Let's do this".  Things went very quickly after that.  Dana called Lori, who runs California Paws and told her that he needed to come to us.  Lori called me and after a few moments, realized that we knew each other, since she was familiar with Rex and we had helped them with some of their social media outreach.  We had a great conversation and she decided that we would be the perfect family for this pup.

By that afternoon, he was getting his vet check, vaccination updates and health certificate and arrangements were being made to have him transported to us from California.

He spent a long three and a half days in a pet transport van while we anxiously awaited his arrival.  I won't lie, we were both nervous, hoping we were ready.  But we knew that we needed to adopt a puppy if we wanted to have harmony in our home with a dog and our senior cat and we also knew we wanted to rescue if possible, and that nose...

When he arrived, he was frightened and pretty dirty from the experience.  But he immediately warmed up to us and attached himself to us.  After an hour of getting to know each other, he had a bath, a meal and lots of affection.  He has only been with us since Saturday and follows us both everywhere we go from room to room.  He loves cuddles and his new toys.  He's learning what stairs are.

As time goes by he will come out of his shell a bit more, as he already is beginning to.  He is fairly calm and well mannered for a young pup and meets new people calmly and politely.  We are looking forward to getting to know this boy who we have named Spike.  We already love him.   I do know that he is bringing us lightness and joy in his silly puppy ways, which is something we sorely need right now.  He and Willy have not been introduced yet, we are following the instructions of trainers who say a slow, gradual introduction is best.

Please support California Paws Rescue, they work they do saving the lives of Bull Terriers is so necessary.  Lori and her team sacrifice so much to save these dogs.  They have many dogs in need of loving homes and if you know anyone who loves this breed, please have them check out their website 


and as always for every rescue organization, donations are always needed and appreciated.

Rex will always be in our hearts and minds and part of our social media posts.  His memory will be kept alive there and in his legacy, our charity RexTheTVTerrier.org

I believe you can never have too much love.  So I hope you all can embrace and love Spike as well.


  1. Ohhh he sounds perfect! I'm so happy for you. He's adorable. I lost my senior kitty last May - still grief-stricken 9 months later. A kitten was offered to me a month later, and I took him in. Not a replacement in any way, but he's my little buddy. We're having growing pains as he bites and scratches a little too hard, but he's a sweet boy and I hope we can work through this. Good luck with Spike! Yes, you can never have too much love. Rex would love it.

  2. how wonderful! the timing was meant to be! I can't wait to get to know Spike better. he will thrive in your home. so exciting

  3. I’m so happy for you all and I’m sure once Willy and Spike meet it will be a great friendship, Spike is adorable and will be so happy with you guys!😃👍❤️❤️

  4. We are so happy to meet Spike! Of course Rex had a paw in it! When we lost our two old boys within 6 months of each other, we didn’t want another dog. We couldn’t face going through that pain again. We raised and loved Luther (15 year old Chocolate Lab) since he was 7 weeks old. And we rescued and cherished Milford (14 year old Pitbull) from the age of one year! I was despondent for months. My husband didn’t want to feel that sadness and loss again either. Enter our son, Kyle, a police officer who had taken a lost “little black bully”, rescued from a torrential spring downpour, to the shelter. It took 4 months of calls, owner surrendering, meets and greets, being told euthanasia might be the outcome because of his “unsociable disposition “, to finally receiving the call - he’s yours if you want him. We wanted him!!! So in July of 2019, Francis came to be a part of our family. We are certain our boys knew we had more love to give and Francis was in desperate need of that love! The rest is history. And now, your life with Spike begins! We’ll always say G’night Rex. We’ll love Spike like we loved Rex!!!!!

  5. I am so happy for you, I started jumping up and down and showing my husband Spikes picture. I was on Rex's website yesterday. Debating if I send a Chewy card or cash. I love your memory page. We will love Spike as much as we love Rex. I will always love Rex. His picture brought me to your wonderful charity. I love his stick of the day and snack of the day. When Lilli is dragging sticks out of the stick pile and leaving them in the driveway, I always think of Rex. Rex brought Spike to you as my girls sent me Lilli. I am so happy you found each other.

  6. I have always said that our dogs find us. It looks like yours did too. I know he will help your hearts heal even as you remember and honor Rex. Congratulations.

  7. I am so happy for you both and for Willy and Spike! I think maybe Rex may have had a hand in sending him to you. Spike is a lucky boy! I wish you many years of happiness with him!

  8. Wonderful news and circumstances for Spike and you two. Perfect !! 🤩🤩🤩

  9. This makes me so happy. I know Rex was watching from the Bridge and knew it was time to fill your hearts with more love. Welcome home, Spike!

  10. I’m so glad to hear that the perfect Bull Terrier found his way to you at just the right time. If not divine intervention, then this must have been Rex intervention. ❤️ Spike will never replace Rex but he certainly can help fill that massive void that was left behind when Rex crossed the Rainbow Bridge. And, for your parts, you will love Spike to bits every minute of every day! It's a match made in heaven. Welcome to your furever home, Spike! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  11. No way!!! I was SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY when I saw this news! Spike - that's terrific. And you're right - Rex would want you to have another dog [and especially a rescue puppy]. Since Spike has the exact same nose as Rex - and is 4 months old - ] and Rex has been gone about 4 months, I'm going to believe that Rex has been "reincarnated" as Spike. Because you know he simply couldn't be separated from you & his Pop for very long. That nose was a sign for sure. Congratulations on your new family member - I'm looking forward to seeing plenty of Spike and Rex in the future. Happy, happy, happy for you! 🥰🥰🥰


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